Saskatoon Muzzle Loading Club Inc.
Saskatoon Muzzle Loading Club Inc.
SMLC History​
Back in 1961, a small group of Regina gun collectors set up a show in a downtown Saskatoon office building. A score or thereabouts of interested locals showed up and were delighted to see such goodies as percussion Colts, flint-lock Kentuckies, and trade muskets for the first time.
Several of these individuals promptly joined the Regina club, known as the Saskatchewan Gun Collectors Association. More shows followed on an annual basis, and more people became members.
In 1963, after the wind up of one of these shows, three men, Len Reid, Les Smith, and Ernie Love were having coffee at a cafe right next to the site of the gun show. They became the nucleus of the Saskatoon Muzzle Loaders Club, and members #1, #2, and #3 in that order.
For different reasons not mentioned here, the three decided to form a local shooting and collecting club devoted to antique firearm study. In short order, approximately 10 others joined the club.​
Shooting grounds were avidly searched for and with the club formally incorporated in July of 1964, a range was established on land leased from Ken Wiff – 10 miles west of Saskatoon. Club members, wives, and children turned out to level trees, erect fences, and construct shooting tables. All worked hard and enjoyed it.
Two years later, after the range was nicely laid out, the club was informed that the land was sold and that they would not be able to lease much longer. A year later, the club pulled up stakes and moved to the present location. The acquisition of the present range is a source of great pride to the fifteen or less founding members.
Being short of funds at the time, strong appeals were made for personal loans among the membership. Everyone rallied with loans of $100 to $200 or more. Even a sum of $1700 was underwritten by member #2. The club had to pull hard and did! Raffles were opened to earn cash, the yearly dues were raised to $25 per member for a year or two. The club was the top bidder on land owned by the RM of Vanscoy and acquired the quarter section for $3250.
The first hobby show ran in 1967. The club lost money but improved on the next one, and have continued to improve ever since. The hobby shows, women's auxiliary efforts, and other club enterprises permitted them to pay off they land mortgage within two years.
From humble beginnings, the club has grown to impressive stature, equal to the best in Canada.
Len Reid, Walter Colley, Les Smith, George Dunlap, Larry Spence, Tom Dunlap, Ernie Love, Keven Peeling, Ken Potter, Frank Kurenda and Ron Halabura
About The Club
The club is dedicated to shooting original and replica black powder muzzle loading and cartridge firearms.
We have 25, 50, 100, 200, and 300 yard ranges
We have a 28 target muzzle loading trail walk and a 18 target knife and tomahawk trail walk
We have a full trap range
We have an active membership of men and women who enjoy getting together in the spirit of fun and friendly competition
We have electric camp sites available
We have monthly club shoots throughout the spring, summer, and fall and are also active with other black powder shoots around the province.